HUMAN THINKS – GOD GUIDES!(Reflections by Klaus Döring)

Klaus Döring

God guides us along the path in ways which are quite beyond our understanding. He uses anything and everything to achieve his plans for us, even turning our hearts and minds to follow his course (Prov 16:9; 21:1). Moreover, he doesn’t need our conscious co-operation to do this. Nothing can thwart his plans.

God gives his guidance one day at a time to prevent our becoming proud. God also wants us to learn to trust him. He wants to make it clear to others that the wonderful plan came not from human forethought, but from God himself

I am happy! Yes, I am! I found joy, freedom, and peace of mind, when I discovered what I believe is the secret of a happy life – as an expatriate living in the Philippines for more than 26 years now.

I was brought up in a religious family and lived in a parish house up to my 10th birthday. Our Christian life was a fantastic style of religion. Though I was used to it, my attitudes have been really very ungodly. Many times, I was prone to anger and did all possible unpleasant things to others. I gave more attention to worldly things until such time I was deeply immersed in what we call “worldly trend”. I did those things simply to enjoy life without caring for other people around me.

But then, suddenly, “someone” (let’s call him GOD) interfered. He directed my way. I received plenty of different challenges and tasks – especially, when I decided to stay in the Philippines for good.

Sure, I have always been able to travel around the globe. But, believe me, not every trip or even a single day became a satisfying success or event.

Today I am no more surprised at the painful trials I suffered in the past. Instead of being surprised I tried to rejoice, because I learned that trials are meant to test your faith!

When I got the idea to write this piece, I rummaged through some very old books of my late “Lola” (born in 1899!) and found a faded and more or less crumbled-to-dust document. It was a handwritten piece by an unknown Dutch soldier, who must have written this in mortal agony during his last battle in World War II, dated November 1944. I like to share it with you, my dear reader, because it also reflected my past – and, maybe also yours:

“When I stopped my ungodly attitudes, I learned to pray. But when I prayed, I asked for power to become popular, and He made me weak and taught me how to be obedient. When I prayed, I asked for health to be able to do great things, and He gave me afflictions, to do better things. When I prayed, I asked for riches and abundance, and He gave me poverty to become wise instead. When I prayed, I asked for strength to receive people’s glory and fame, and He gave me weakness to let me feel how much I need Him. When I prayed, I asked everything for a wonderful life without problems and trials, living like a king, and He gave me LIFE!”

I didn’t receive anything about which I prayed since living in the Philippines as an expatriate. But, I received everything in time and I didn’t expect it anymore. More or less against my own free will, all unspeakable and unpronounceable prayers have been answered. I am really very much blessed.

That’s what I also feel right now at this moment. I am what I am right now, NOT BECAUSE I PRAYED FOR IT, but, because all unspeakable prayers have been answered.

Psalm 37:23-24: “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” Proverbs 16:9: “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”

Human thoughts – God guides!


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