A Tribute to Stay-at-Home Moms (Mindful by Jay Ledesma)

“I looked on child rearing not only as a work of love and duty but as a profession that demanded the best that I could bring to it.” – Rose Kennedy

Jay Ledesma

Every year, we get to celebrate the economic, cultural, social and political contributions and achievements of women in the world through the observance of the International Women’s Day. This 2025, it was last March 8. While more women are getting recognized, acknowledged and lauded, still there are sectors in the society where women are still undervalued and underappreciated.

In this column, I wish to pay tribute to one of these sectors – our stay-at-home moms.

People usually admire or be in awe whenever a woman is introduced as a manager or head of an organization or an accomplished artist or athlete. But have you ever noticed how easy they would dismiss when a woman is introduced as a housewife? Is it because the former is considered extra-ordinary while the latter is expected? Or is it because career women are perceived to be more hardworking and achieving more than housewives?

The truth is, there should be no comparison and competition. Both are hardworking, achieving and deserving of our recognition. They just differ in their activities, milestones, and success indicators.

My two sisters and I were all career women. Until our respective retirement, we were blessed to have good jobs. We were all raised by a house mom. Thanks to our hardworking stay-at-home mom (SAHM) for making sure that we got the best education for the chance to compete in the workplace.

Choosing to be a house mom is something not to be taken lightly. Whether it’s by choice or by default, it’s a major decision for any and every mom. That means sacrificing their careers, much of their free time, and their own interests to be stay-at-home moms.

Running a household full-time is equally challenging as running a unit or department. There is no getting around that. The intensity, the quality and the methodology just differ depending on the age of their children, but basically it’s all about nurturing and selfless giving.

I saw this with my own mom and my own daughter, who are both house moms without any helper. Their day revolves around taking care of the children, preparing meals, making or checking on the laundry, tidying the house, tutoring and disciplining the kids, etc. Giving up their own comfort, routine, rest and sleep, “me” time and many more. If you think doing all these is easy-peasy, better think again. By the time they end with one chore, hoping to take a brief rest, another chore is already waiting. And house moms are on a 24-hour shift. At least in the office, you have officemates who can cover for you, when needed. And for most, work ends once they have clocked out for the day. .

But though being a house mom is a lot of work, it is a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs and everything in between. And the benefits for the children, the moms and the whole family are immeasurable.

Studies show that a stronger and more solid bond is created between house moms and their children. As their world revolve around each other, especially during the pre-school years, house moms are able to build a strong connection with their children, which continues until adulthood. Home is where bonding takes place and where children first learn to build and attach to relationships.

Children are like sponges, they absorb everything they see around them. House moms have the opportunity to be the first influence in their child’s formative years, allowing them to teach and mold their values and behaviors for a solid foundation for the future. What happens at home and what children learn at home are both crucial to a child’s ability to function throughout his life.

Children are in a safe place with their house moms. We have heard many horror stories happening to children left with carers or in day care centers. And even when you’re lucky to have good people take care of your children, nothing will come close to the love and attention of a mom. Children benefit from the presence of a loving and stable caregiver. Studies show that children with house moms tend to be more sociable, have lower stress levels and happier.

House moms are there for all the milestones of their children. As a working, I needed to go back to work after two months from giving birth. This, unfortunately, made me missed some of my children’s important milestones. But my SAHM-daughter is blessed to have witnessed (and recorded) all the milestones of her own child. Of which, I am envious.

House moms are able to properly guide and tutor their children. With the advent of technology and social media, children are more exposed to information and reading materials, both good and bad. They need proper guidance and monitoring to ensure that they are protected from misinformation, fake news and harmful materials. Children also benefit from the personal tutoring of their house moms. Studies show that these children have better academic performance in school.

The SAHMs are able to put household in order. As women are innately organizers with keen attention to details, one can just imagine the impact of having a 24-hour mom on your household. Their ability to multi-tasks allow them to juggle different chores at the same time. They have the gift of time and energy to invest in each family member while managing the different facets of home. From the chaotic day routines to the calming bedtime stories, house moms seem to have a wand that weaves magic in whatever she does.

As we celebrate womanhood, let’s be mindful of the significance, sacrifices, and contributions of our stay-at-home moms, for they make our world a better place to live.

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