Nothing can quell the angry voices of dissent that come from the south. That the government has directed the Philippine Embassy in the Netherlands to look after the needs of former President Rodrigo Duterte only adds to the conflagration that will ignite the waters from the sub-Saharan region, which the vain propagandist of this present dispensation describes, to the cement jungles and glitters of Metro Manila.
This government has totally lost the last vestige of credibility in Mindanao. Why should we believe the government assurance that “in view of the winter season in Europe, the Embassy prepared, procured and delivered winter clothing, change of clothes and care packages for the former President”?
Enough of this tomfoolery. You shanghaied the frail and aging man, grabbed him forcibly from the tight embrace of a young daughter and from a helpless wife and delivered him to a foreign jury who indicted him for crimes against humanity!
It was only late Wednesday night that we learned that Duterte was charged for the murder of 30,000 people committed by the Davao Death Squad which the charge sheet states he heads, of rape and litanny of other conceivable crimes that are actionable by the International Criminal Court!
These charges are too familiar and preposterous. Ma. Ressa and Rappler extrapolated the 30,000 alleged extrajudicial killings which she attributed to the Davao Death Squad. Former Chairman of Human Rights Commission Leila de Lima confirmed the guesstimate of Ressa. Neither of the two is able to produce evidence except for less than a dozen who were caught in the crossfire during the heightened drug campaign during Duterte’s incumbency as President. The cops involved had been charged in Court and verdicts had been meted out.
De Lima, for her part, have yet to produce an evidence to buttress her claim that thousands of EJK victims of DDS were buried in an abandoned quary in Davao City. She started digging for the remains of the victims in 2009 which her witness, Edgar Matobato, confessed he personally buried in the quary land. Two decades had elapsed not one of the much ballyhooed EJK victims was exhumed to date.
For her part, Maria Ressa of Rappler declared on international TV that she gets 90 rape threats every minute! Obviously ICC and Nobel Prize believed her. Today she would rather stay in the Philippines despite her being an American citizen.
DDS is a myth conceptualized by then Col. Dionisio Tan-gatue Jr. who served as the Integrated National Police Regional Commander during the height of communist insurgency in Davao. I have written a number of articles about DDS. Since it will take some space to explain it here try Googling DDS myth.
If the ICC Judges believed the blatant lies from where the indictment of Duterte proceeded from the former President will not have a Chinaman’s chance of getting justice from the ICC.
There will be time for retribution though. As to when will this come, I don’t know but with the temper of the time it may come soon and not later. The persecution of Duterte and handing him over to foreign prosecutors and judges over fallacious charges by his previous and current political enemies have resulted in the consolidation of Muslims, Christians and the Indigenous Peoples of Mindanao.
Bring PRRD home. Failing to do so may end up in a refrain of EDSA Revolution. This time however Uncle Sam will not be there and therefore the only route will be the murky water of Pasig River and out to the turbulent water of South China Sea.