The decibels from the din of anger and protest from Mindanao must be too intense it cannot be heard in the halls of Congress and Malacanang Palace.
They must be having a grand celebration the man who stands in the way towards remaining in power is gone.
They must be delerious too, the man with immense and persuasive charisma is now effectively silenced and could no longer campaign. They have seen the massive crowd of OFWs in HongKong that received their leader, former President Rodrigo Duterte. That scene will never be duplicated anymore thus it will insure them of victory comes May 12 elections.
But they misread the people’s pulse. Handing over Duterte to a foreign authority is their biggest mistake. It is the dawn of the great awakening and the start of the fall of another regime hungry of power. Pray ye that this will not be a repeat of a a people’s revolution and just a consequence of electoral defeat. Still all that will depend on the verdict of ICC which had been fed fictitious accusations by politicians who connived to rid of him.
Bring PRRD back home. And we mean alive, otherwise the Fates will be upon us and dictate what fortune or misfortunes befit us all.