A Leader with a noble heart gives us a noble sense of moral support. Noble leadership is not about the self, but about caring for others, supporting others, guiding others, knowing that the needs of others are met and bringing out their best. A Leader with a noble heart gives us a noble sense of honor.
In times of natural disasters and again quickly dwindling hopes of many people around me (expats AND Filipinos), I still feel inspired to put the cart before the horse.
Maybe at the end of this piece I’ll tread the footsteps of other columnists and commentators. So be it!
Pride comes before a fall – but never magnanimity. The dictionary defines magnanimity as in greatness of mind and generosity of heart especially in forgiveness. Filipinos oftentimes are really magnanimous people. Especially nowadays, Filipinos seem to have the quality of being high souled, rising above pettiness or meanness and the generosity in overlooking injury or insult.
The late Harry Emerson Fosdick, a famous Protestant teacher wrote: “No man ever saved anybody, or served any great or left any enduring impression, who was not willing to forget indignities, bear no grudges. The world’s saviours have all, in one way and another, loved their enemies and done them good!”
Magnanimity, applied to relations between nations and/or people, transforms hostility into helpfulness. Consider the massive assistance the U.S. provided to its former enemies following World War II, enabling them to rebuild their blasted cities and shattered economies.
No ‘West Berlin inhabitant’ (and count me in!) will forget the U.S. airlift during the East German-Russian blockade, when the so-called “raisin bomber planes” kept West-Berlin and its people alive. Especially now, because of the 20th anniversary of the Berlin wall falling on November 9, 2009, such remembrances are coming back and let me write this piece.
The Philippine nation again faces a lot of trials. These trials will prove the strengths of the Filipino people. But, not every tragedy unites a nation.
What quality in human character do you consider the most admirable of all? How about tolerance toward another’s viewpoint without smugness? How about refusal to judge another’s actions or motives without first knowing what lies behind them?
U.S. writer Clarence W. Hall said: “Magnanimity must be developed and habitual by practice, but it’s a virtue that sweetens and glorifies life.” Very well said.
People with a noble heart and mind are fond of daydreams. Of course fantasies don’t have to be a flight away from reality. In fact, psychologists are discovering more and more that they can play a creative role in self-development and a better mutual understanding. It’s also one of the best things for the well being of a nation.