Since 2010 when I first developed a new strain of Free-Range Chicken which I called “Manok Pinoy,” I have consistently continued my experiment on improving the quality of the new breed.
Using the Orientals, also known as “Asils,” for my male side, tried several Heritage Breeds for my female side, including Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshire, Sussex, Plymouth Barred Rock and Black Australian Orpington.
The breeding experiment showed that the best Western Heritage Breeds to be crossed with the Asils, locally known as “Pauwakan,” “Basilan” and “Lolo,” are the Plymouth Barred Rocks and the Black Australorp.
Free-Range Chicken produced from this mating proved to be the best in meat quality which tastes like that of the native chicken breed.
They are also fairly good layers of brown eggs which are in demand in the market.
The combination of these three breeds is what makes the modern Free-Range Dual Purpose Chicken, the Manok Pinoy.