“Health is a priceless wealth. Invest while you can.” – Bryant McGill.

At this time of the year, many of us have set our career and financial goals. We have planned and identified the many first things we have to do to ensure achievement of our goals. This includes doing a performance review, attending development programs, aligning with other stake holders, and working on your schedules, etc. But how many of us have actually included health check-up in the priority list of things to do as we start the new year? How many of us bothered to check and ascertain that we are fit and healthy to do all our plans? More often than not, health is overlooked and undervalued in our busy life until we get sick.
I was guilty of this negligence and oversight during my working years. I would usually miss the annual physical check-up provided by our company, and used my work travels as convenient excuse. Anyway, I felt well and healthy.
Personally, I experienced the benefits of having a physical check-up at the start of the year on two circumstances. First was in the beginning of 2020, the year following my full retirement, when I finally had my health check-up (after more than 3 years). I was surprised when the doctor told me that I had elevated lab results. I didn’t feel any symptoms so I thought I was in tip-top shape. The doctor gave me a choice, do a drastic lifestyle change or take medications. I went for the former…lifestyle change. Then the pandemic happened. I was so thankful that I did the check-up at the start of the year and found out what was wrong with me before the lockdowns and quarantines happened. Otherwise, I would have continued with my poor eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle, which could have led to some serious illnesses.
But then again, partly due to the pandemic, I did not do my annual check up from 2021-2023. During these years, I was also not as consistent and disciplined with my diet and exercise. Again, as I wasn’t feeling any symptoms, I assumed that everything was well with me. Until my check-up last January 2024. I started the year on a very high note… high sugar level, high cholesterol count and high blood pressure. The levels shot up to the roof! So high that mere exercise and diet weren’t enough, I had to take meds already. Good thing I did the check-up before I left for and stayed in the US for 5 months. I don’t want to imagine what could have happened had I left with those abnormal elevations unmanaged and continued with my lifestyle. During my 5 month stay in the US, I did what I had to do. Glad that on my next doctor’s visit upon my return last September, everything went back to normal levels.
I started my 2025 with my regular check-up. I cannot overemphasize the importance of having our regular check-ups (preferably at the start of each year) to stay on top of our health.
Prevention is the key. Having regular check-ups can help detect potential health issues before they even become a problem. It reduces the risk of getting sick.
It helps in early detection of your sickness, which gives you the best chance for getting the right treatment quickly and increases chances for treatment and cure.
Regular check-ups limit the risk of complications by closely monitoring existing conditions. Follow-up consults are important in determining progress and next steps.
As it helps in prevention and early detection, it eases our healthcare costs as we are able to avoid those expensive medical treatments associated with some illnesses.
Don’t wait to get sick to see your doctor. Before throwing yourself into the hustle and bustle of life this 2025, take that first important step toward living a healthier lifestyle. Get yourself checked-up now!